Hey guys, STEVE EARLE is doing something very cool for indie record stores in our time of need! If you pre-order a copy of his new album Ghosts of West Virginia on CD or Limited Edition Indie Only Vinyl LP, a portion of the sales will go to Lost Padre Records!
That’s not all- each order also includes a ticket to an exclusive virtual in-store live performance that will be available to watch May 15th. So it’s kinda like Steve is doing an in-store just for our customers (OK, only kinda!)
Each pre-order guarantees you a record on your purchased format that will be shipped to your door to arrive on or before May 22, 2020. Visit this link: bit.ly/GOWVLOSTPADRERECORDSNM to pre-order and get a ticket to the in-store. A link and password to the in-store will be sent to you on May 14th from New West Records.

Steve Earle’s new album Ghosts of West Virginia centers around the 2010 Upper Big Branch coal mine explosion. The tragedy killed 29 miners and is now known as one of the worst mining disasters in American history. Steve’s been on a roll recently so we’re excited to hear the new one!